437 SW 3rd St Miami, FL 33130
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Health & Wellness

Food is medication

Citrus Fruits = immune boosting vitamin C.
Carrots = Vitamin A
Vitamin E = Kale, Spinach, and Lettuce

Fruit = Minerals, Iron, Potassium, Copper, Magnesium, Sodium, and Iodine
Red fruits and vegetables = Anti-cancer – (medication) Lycopene, Anthocyanin, Electrolytes Tomatoes, red peppers, raspberries, blood oranges, cranberries, cherries, pomegranates, strawberries, watermelon, beets, red onions, and rhubarb. High in antioxidants, reducing inflammation in the body.

Green Fruits & Vegetables = Leafy greens-Kale, spinach, romaine, chard, dandelion, cilantro, parsley, broccoli, cucumber, Brussel sprouts, green pepper, asparagus, avocado, lime, and kiwi Medication Isothiocyanates, sulforaphane, Lutein and Zeaxanthin.

Detoxification, Anti-cancer, eye health.

Yellow, orange fruits and vegetables = Pineapple, banana, pepper, yellow bell pepper, squash, ginger, lemon, oranges, apricots, cantaloupe, mango, butternut squash, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and peaches. Medication ( Bomelain, Gingerol, Vitamin C, Beta- Carotene = Anti-inflammatory, Immune health, skin health,

Purple Blue Fruits and vegetables = blueberries, plums, prunes, eggplant, purple potatoes, Eye health, brain health, blood sugar regulation

White Fruits and Vegetables – Bananas, Cauliflower, Garlic, Mushrooms, Parsnip Medication Beta Glucans, Lignans, EGCG= Immune function, Hormone Balance, Heart Health.Cold-Pressed- Juices that are cold-pressed have been pressed and slowly pulverized. This processed have been pressed and slowly pulverized. This process doesn’t apply any heat to the produce so the enzymes and nutrients are better preserved.

Straight out eating your fruits in vegetables you get a percentage of the nutrients that has a lot of variables that come into play. Juicing you get 100 percent of what is needed.

Smoothies vs. Juicing

Smoothies – Help the benefit of fiber can do for your digestive health. Fiber is a great food source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut, and fiber has a broom-like function in your lower digestive tract to help sweep out your colon and keep it squeaky clean.

Since juicing remove all of the fiber, your body won’t have to work to access the nutrients contained in those colorful fruits and vegetables. Readily absorbed nutrients are especially beneficial for people suffering from digestive disorders suppressed immune systems and the very weak. Utilize fruits and vegetables and produce going bad.

Our smoothies are “green weapons”

Broccoli & Kale – Both of these vegetables are part of the cruciferous family and have been demonstrated to increase the activity of the liver’s detoxifying enzymes.

Parsley – This humble little herb will stimulate bile production, which is needed to escort toxins out of the body. It is a good heavy metal detoxifier.

Cilantro – This herb is also a good heavy metal detoxifier by binding to metals with its thiol group to escort these health- depleting toxins out of the body.

Turmeric – A powerful antioxidant, turmeric helps your body make important compounds need to detoxify toxins.

Ginger – will improve your digestion, and you want a strong digestion during the detoxification process since most toxins will exit via your digestion. Also, ginger is a powerful antioxidant and will protect your body from any damage caused as toxins are liberated in your body. Not to mention, it heats your body up and can increase blood circulation.

Apples – Contain a flavonoid called quercetin, which increases detoxifying enzymes. Apples also contain a fiber called pectin, which chelates heavy metals and helps the body detoxify drugs.

Lemon – This sour fruit stimulates the liver, encouraging it to secrete bile. You want a constant flow of bile to allow for the escort of toxins out of the system. An under functioning liver and gall bladder can be full of toxic bile, further polluting your system.